Neighborhood Safety

Committee Type: Standing

Convened: accepting volunteers

Current Chair: Jerry Farinola

Charter: forthcoming

The safety of our families, our homes and property is vitally important to all of us. The purpose of the Neighborhood Safety Committee of the DVCA is to facilitate communication within the neighborhood relating to crime awareness and prevention. This includes building a relationship with the Brookhaven Police Department to maintain a dialogue to share information, voice concerns, and request support. We recently established that relationship with the BPD Community Engagement Unit and now have a dedicated contact within the Department. We attended a recent meeting hosted by the BPD for Brookhaven homeowners groups. More to come, stay tuned!

If you would like to volunteer to serve on this committee, please click here. Thanks for your interest in making Drew Valley a bit more connected and secure.

Committee Chair

Jerry Farinola, DVCA Vice President, lived in Atlanta in the 80’s and returned in 2000. He and his wife Patty live on Burch Circle in a home that Patty bought in 1991. They love how walkable Drew Valley is and you’ll see them around the neighborhood on evenings and weekends. After 35 years in the banking industry, mostly in consulting and technology, Jerry left the corporate
world in 2013 to sell men’s clothing. He is with Miller Brothers Ltd. in Buckhead. Jerry brings previous association experience having served two terms as president of the North Springs Homeowners’ Association in Sandy Springs from 2005-2009. He has a BS in Business Administration from Florida State